Global Domination
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Global nadvláda je pěkný samo - vysvětlovací: Vy jste světový vůdce usilující o světovládě. Ve velkolepém projektu počítačové hry, toto o


Kens Labyrinth Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Kenův labyrinth is first person shooter with similar motor into Wolf3d. Play be formed Kenem Silvermanem ( maker Duke3d Build motor) when he was 18. Kenův labyrinth be enough entertainment, though it does have bad graphic art.

; the point is to found your pup and escape labyrinth. Play vaults over three episodes. You will meeting with many enemies, and cool objects machinely carbonate of soda (used hereto, to bought sums) and slot - machine ( gamble your money). There are cool line like money, interactive objects, and listening to Kena TALK!

Graphic art before as stated isn't best. Fairies are traction O.To. Some, though, look really peculiar, like shooter gums. It looks like piece of meat to me!Strains are largely Ken roar and saying things like ' good job!' when you beat level. Music do they really cheery and addictive, one of professionals into Kenova labyrinth.

Kenův labyrinth be overwhelming games to those, who take poison.

Kenův labyrinth will slip whacking with anything 10000 cycles.

If you be set to use sound card strains, that local version is built - up use by default, make sure, whether you run KENSBFIX instead of KEN, failing that it will slow down your computer/DOSBOX to stopping.

Year of publication: 1993

Made by: Advanced Systems


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