Manhole - náhled

V zemi Sozz, tam není žádného nedostatku poklopů, ale tam je jiný problém: nikdo ne- vůbec kdy obtěžoval uzavřít tyto díry. To je vaše pr


Wacky Wheels Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Wacky Wheels be part of play classics. As it is very old play, is highly amusing. Like games for two, so I'm arbitrated add in this very bit.

for sb.'s part genre, this play come under caregory
works. Works proceed in small toy - cars, in of which are animals. Pet you can choose. On selection are possibly : lion, tortoise, giraffe and so on

on side you can after course collect various arms, possibly racket. You can choose again from wide variety of maps. Perhaps best isthat the you can sport with chum, so use a lot of entertainment and fun.

Year of publication: 1994

Made by: Beavis-Soft


Wacky Wheels - download


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