Z perspektivy nebo někdo, kdo nikdy nehrála hru předtím, karanténu II: Silniční válečník má poněkud zatáčky aby dostala se přes předtím,
...Z perspektivy nebo někdo, kdo nikdy nehrála hru předtím, karanténu II: Silniční válečník má poněkud zatáčky aby dostala se přes předtím,
...Clockwiser is simple yet difficult play riddle team Hoiem. In every level, you have you got building kit to the left screens and next gardens right - handed. ; the point is to drowe blocks to the left so they match one right - handed, and everything you can do is move blocks to the left by selection clump of about them and rotary is either clockwise or anticlockwise, how title - implies. You have you got limited time finish by any levelthat the begins numeration as soon as you will do your first move. To move blocks, you possession- and - kites mouse to hauled boxing around them, and then use buttons on bottoms- left by turn is. Buttons on bottoms- právu allow you to restart or leave level. Every once in a while level you get password in casethat the you do you want revert to that later. Play has 100 levels of, ranging from easy-Peasy, that is of mains you through bases games, impossible, where you only have few seconds to completed cerebral- life - saving levels of. A if they are not enough to, there is also inbuilt straight editor to tack to merry entertainment. In casethat the did you colour - blind, play has colour set so you can distinguish failing that coloured blocks. There differ block type in play, every with their own unique behaviour: Coloured blocks - standard behaviour: destructible, movable and effected gravitational pull. Metal - indestructible, stationary and unspoiled gravitational pull. Brick - unspoiled gravitational pull. Gold - stationary. Bombshells - will to displace when lowered. Rock - Self - replicate when lowered. Teleport Pods (mule - -coloured) - blocks lowered on top of they're teleported for either pod to the other. Anti gravitational pull (arrow on top) - blocks over them are not effected gravitational pull. Graphic art and sound isn't nothing breath - taking, all the same enough to good for play riddle. Globally, that be too original play riddle that shall hold some /of each of /of no fan riddle hooky for hours, attempt at solve right move to completed by any level, so I puts that 5. On printing - down- protective cathode - raytube, only prints some /every /no letter. Sound Blaster automatically be detected. Play won't play to sound below Windows XP. ONLINE VERSION: On July 10., 2008, team Hoi undid online remake Clockwiser. Remake can be played free in www.Playclockwiser.com. Year of publication: 1994 Made by: Team Hoi Image: |
Přidal Angelo