Twilight - 2000
Twilight - 2000 - náhled

Soumrak: 2000 je báječná otáčecí-založená strategická hra.

Pro ty z vás kdo ne - nehrál na soumrak 2000 pero-a-papírový RPG, hra k


Heretic Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Heretic is from time, when yet to these plaies not to say FPS shooting, but doomovky. Play run on modified Doom enginu.

Narozdíl from Doomu, don't fight somewhere on Mars, but you as fable you must look into town cursed and place, where old monkhood performed mysterious ritual. Was open portal into other world, only possibility of, how him again close, be merely from across.

of the whole environment is very dark and splendid strains you play unreality will pull in into action. Heretic was also one of the first plaies in which are could use inventory, or look about up and down.

Nepřáteles, golem, gargoyly, extincts warriors and next, you can send into hells on the whole seven arms, e.g . chopsticks shooting crystal, crossbow, virtuous gloves or magic cane.

I think as though this play is a little unjustly belittle Doomem, but most witness she like will pass again, while new play generation would had inform, whereon we're began with and grew out. Like forgotten legend. Definitely advise.

Year of publication: 1994

Made by: Id Software


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Přidal Angelo

mike422 21.11.2012 reaguj
Tohle byla nejlepší hra kterou sem v dětství hrával prošel sem ji snad stokrát skusim ji stáhnout , ale myslím si ze na Windows 7 to asi nepojede.
paddy 06.06.2010 reaguj
paradni pecka tohleto , tu jsem kdysi dohral, musim si to nekdy strihnout znovu :)