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Steel Panthers II - Modern Battles Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Steel puma 2: Modern battles, continuation Steel Panthers, covers battles and conflicts later halves 20. century, from Korean War at the beginning 1950s through surgical dessert storm in Persian Gulf at the beginning 1990s, as well as includes acouple hypothetical deceased- 1990s scenarios.

Steel Panthers 2 gives player into role company commander. How do you move your force (armour periods, infantry, the artillery, etc .) about hex - grid battlefields to intercepted or defend specific objective faery, you can call airstrike and artillery artillery firing, apurinic acid-dew outsmart and outmaneuver your opponent of.

Play is veer- based, and is play hexagonal grating in deck- herním size. Graphic art be functional, with rather differentiation among by various periods to he said is separate at a single glance. Graphic art be more refined than original Steel Panthers.

Operating controls are simple to solved: Left side- clicks selection unit and give orders; right - click to wheel your period faces or open out unitary informative cathode - raytube. Various buttons along parties screens are self - explanatory.

There are a few changes among Steel Panthers and Steel Panthers 2: Modern battles, as are introduction rocket- gun - toting periods, refined volubility, and ability troop to look at almost any direction instead of right in hexadecimal side, movable the artillery, and helicopter.

Helicopter have special order which can only get from within their unitary informative screens. It order turns unitary above sea level altitude of among landed, Nap - of - the - Earth ( helicopter stays just above cross country in his faery), and high altitude. High altitude allows helicopters see almost whole map but also make them visible and sitter for enemy troops.

Doubtless, biggest change is introduction skills shift the artillery. In steel Panthers, if you want to move centre artillery firing, did you be over two - ox or more delay into the artillery could assault again. Instead of Steel Panthers 2 allows you to move centre the artillery firing as far as into two faery scarcely any- delay among shots.

As with original Steel Panthers, Steel Panthers 2 historically be particular in his scripts, campaigns, and troop. Strategic malingering Inc . brightly spent a lot of time and energy investigation and exactly restorative all arms, vehicles, and battle for player to relish.

Globally, that was to modest improvement over Steel Panthers, representative much lynxs original be understood missing. Best of all Steel Panthers plaies, Steel Panthers 2: Modern battles adjusted standard for turning- based games military command, and every armchair main would would had give this play shot departure.

- multiplayer consists of Hotseat games different scripts.

Before entrance normal orders, you must first mount cd drive, like "mount d d: - t cdrom". Run game using steel2.exe.

Year of publication: 1996

Made by: Strategic Simulations, Inc.


Steel Panthers II - Modern Battles - download


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