NBA Hang Time
NBA Hang Time - náhled

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Sleepwalker Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Envision Toma and Jerry, Lemmings and Commander Keen put into big pots and boiled for a few hours.Give - ův stewed meat ' into bowls, added some handsome comic graphic art and big spoon humour.Decorate all of it with some sound effect and here you you are going, have ' somnambulist ' . Well, in reality only thing Lemmings and somnambulist have st. in common is as though you will not play to apiece which be liable for your life number.World kips - and so they your main ' Lee ' . Things would be but fabulous if he had no habit somnambulism. Play begin as Lee stand up (sleeping), stepping on your head and fall out of window. Wield power sound sleep nothing serious will stop - he only transect neighbours rooftop. Now here’s your heroic work: Hold Lee safe and sleeping how do you direct to him through street, Zoo, cemetery, building site and factory back to town- centru and back to his bed.

Strains easy? Well, should be if it were only pressure him from one’s parties levels of to the other. There are danger lurk in every gap and around every corner. Only think of snakes which wait on their trees to strangled poor Lee. Again: Your only mission is to land him to a close sixth levels of without awakening him.

Do you know always, how deep sleeping Lee is when you have a look in spánek - o - undergrounds at the bottom screens. Every time Lee be entering brick or injure oneself trapthat the it is taking some sleep away. To get over Lee gap you (be unselfish crazy) jump thereinto make - up dog bridge sothat the he may walk over you instead of fall. When gap be too wide therefor you have to be inhuman and kick Lee. (he no wakes from that.) To get rid snakes, ivory and bad pincers, that you have you got small club and with it you can set aside some /every /no living danger to your little zombie - similar mister.

It - yet - sounds easy ? Try to play and you will know better. Tenacity, timing and calm are principal characteristic you need to finished this play. It happens from time to time as though will you have to start all over again only thereforethat the Lee plunge down last basis and find oneself right back where level began. This games be fairly hard from the beginning so I advise all player to do training levels of first. You get much counsel on what's to be done etc . do.

Talking about technical material .... Strains are nice to but too little. We've got some kind numerical speech here but any cool background music. (if you choose Adlib how Sound Blaster you only have you any cruel MIDI sound effects). I ain't have not got mine joystick to run in those play but even if had I'd advise keyboard. (You need to be quite exactly in many situations.)

lockwork if you like Lemmings how skok - and - kick basis this play is your choice. It's handsome, but is missing from variation. You always dig Lee, near lacunae, set aside traps or aggressive enemies. All six level has exactly the same play play. A collection premium- položek cannot lift merry entertainment so much. Because of NO buckler option or straight passwords most players go up using cheats or fail in second or third level - it really kills some of the merry entertainment in comic atmosphere.All of this will do so - ův 3 from 5 points ' - her for me.

Year of publication: 1993

Made by: CTA Developments


Sleepwalker - download


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