Maelstrom - náhled

Vír je vesmírná strategická/ hra diplomacie udělané rovinou A jednoduchý systémy v roce 1992 a koná se ve vzdálené části galaxie na plane


Silverball Reviews

Reviews | Screens

How commercial following up ' impressive pintable ' , Silverball was successor 1st pintable PC-GAMES having really realist strains, ramp, complex bonus plan and purposes achieved on decks. How CPU rate of swelling was low now, options menu includes setting concerning graphic qualities which be enough atypical now. Graphic art come in handy to and SoundBlasterovy strains realist how in lobby gambling.

Silverball accompanying five tables: Fancy, Nova, blood, snooker Champ, and Odyssey. Extensive version "Silverball Plus 2" included two extra tables: Warbot and Duel, that were more or less same how Excalibur and Magic tables from impressive pintable. Boards appear to be very simple, but solve to have plenty secret and hidden premiums lights and holes, slip etc . try it on! Perhapsthat the you always get dependent upon this pintable play which once was milestone in gambling play vestibule.

Year of publication: 1993

Made by: Digital Extremes


Silverball - download


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