CD-Man - náhled

CD man je klasická hra, z řadý Pac-Manů, kde se stáváte požíračem všeho co se válí po zemi a zdrháte před stvořeními, jež chtějí sežrat vás.


Gateway - Frederik Pohls Reviews

Reviews | Screens

In the year 2077 humannesses discovers hiding place faster than light spaceships on Venus, left by at the back technologically advanced foreign race, called the Heechee. This discovery briefed followed by discovery gigantic desolate cosmic station located between Venus and Merkurem. This spacestation is nameds Gateway.

Fast forward 25 years. It's now year 2102, and Gateway is runs gigantic society named Gateway Enterprises. Z Gateway, Heechee craft be sent to, operated so - called prospectors, explore space, and hopefully return valuable Heechee artifacts. Because of factthat the mankind always no - didn't find out a solution navigation system Heechee by boat, every mission be exceedingly risky, and majority of people will never will keep, but the, who do often became rich.

Guess what, did you up - to - date prospector, and your the point is to attained gold and glory of. Of coursethat the you soon obtain further goal, buckler mankind from some destruction (that is of not at all antithetical your aim friableness, like comon byproduct inquiry mankind from some destruction is gold and glory of).

Frederick Pohl - ovo Gateway is text adventure lovely fable Ent. exceed in making. It be done in year 1992, based on bunchs Frederick Pohl, and while conspiracy can sound clichéé, it be in fact not half bad as soon as you get into that. Realitythat the did you enact prospector entailsthat the you be bound to visit clumps by other planets, any other and every offering new riddle.

Play has plane glass surface similar to that of Eric unfinished and Spellcasting games, that basic in a way make it different from most others text adventure in two ways:

You do not have to write. Plane glass surface has two indices, one verbs and one’s substantial names, and you can join words clicks on is, create sentences, will never not to need write word. Wetherthat the you do you want write or click your alleyway the game is up you, but regardless of of your choice, indices give you handsome survey of what you you can interact with (and how do you spell it).

Secondly, that has graphic art. This can sound a bit foreign for it is text play and everything, but graphic art really nothing more than imagery placing did you currently v. Yet, they are not vain, and they go trudge to adjusted mood games and give you impression of where did you v. You can also interact with graphic art directly, if thing you are you trying to interact with is visible. There will also be several fullscreen cutscenes with even handsome graphic art how storied progress. Some men necessarily they will complain on static, far between graphic art, while optimists say that the they be in fact quite telling for play which, strictly speaking, don't need graphic art.

Music, nevertheless is not much to doesn't speak about, and you can find myself veer that except in trouble. Several locations in specific sports recording which make you want to achieve voluminous button, before you falls your sanity.

At the end of the day, this play has one things, that will do so conduct how classic among adventurous plaies; it is riddle. Each and every riddle in play is logical and won't overburdensome if you pay attention to counsel, that you get during games. You have to pay narrow attention, though, you never know what piece information desk could prove useful later. Some of the riddles even have several solving, with later incidence depending which you pick.

Play is timebased, which meansthat the every time you perform an act, minute permission. This is not business most of the time, so you will have plenty of time to look into how do you do you want, but in some cases minute can mean discrepancy between life and death, so will remember to scrimped once in a while. Talking time, though, play feels only a little too short, and it seemsthat the will discontinued everything too early.

Together it be overwhelming playthat the should not be missed if did you fan adventurous plaies. They only be not doing is like this anymore. I give it to four from five, last point be subtracted because of music and matterthat the game is over too early. Vychutnávejte!

I managed to run this play totally in both pure for analysis WinXP, DOSBOX and VDMSOUND. Dinky finger which divers they may value is as though you type saves to protected your play and renew to heaped.

Year of publication: 1992

Made by: Legend Entertainment Company


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