Cross Country Canada
Cross Country Canada - náhled

Pokud se vám líbí jízda náklaďáky, nakládání nákladu, jídla a plynu jednou za čas, to je vaše hra! Ve skutečnosti to je jako vzdělávací h


Re-Volt Reviews

Reviews | Screens

almost 11 years old play (16.1. 2011), but always all - fired entertainer with small toy - cars on operating. Graphic art even if it is not any heat graphic art today's years, hasn't at all behind it be bashful.

Cílem games is arrive home first, or in given time, or all else toy - car destroy. Toy - car have various arms - rachejtle, draw off the oil for the trip, breathalyzers with water and next. On side you can play to 6 fashion (Singlplayer, Championschip, Multiplayer, Time Trial, Practice, Stunt Arena) after performance Stunt Areny added next mode Clockwork Carnage.

on selection have you got 27 out + 6 bonusových which have different rate of swelling and mounted vlastonsti. S by the following toy - cars you can run over 13 track which gradual open up. En route are bolt of lightning that you can thrash and get behind ně weapon which idol use on it's enemies.

unfortunately play wasn't slack like freeware, produce you only triac version in which have on selection of the three out.

Year of publication: 1999

Made by: Acclaim Entertainment, Iguana Entertainment


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