Brány Skeldalu
Brány Skeldalu - náhled

Brány Skeldalu je česká počítačová hra žánru RPG, kterou v roce 1998 vytvořil Jindřich Rohlík. Hra kombinuje 2D a 3D grafiku. Hra nemá sice


Journey - The Quest Begins Reviews

Reviews | Screens

Play:Journey - The Quest Begins is adventure fancy and text conventionalized play intriguingly HQ for one undid in the year 1988. (although society responsible, Infocom, usually produced high - quality games.) graphic art has 16 colours and writing, story and plane glass surface are excellent for their time. Man of letters, Marc Blank, also plied popular Zork trilogy text plaies.


Story begins insulated village in crisis. Increases villager misfired last four years and now water supply turned foul. A side from four splendid men make up one's mind search assistance from strong Wizard who lives some distance away on sunset Mountaině. There's a Tolkienova taste to story how usual occupation sprites, dwarfs, companions, nymphae and orcas seem through your way. There really isn't blunt moment how drama and magic will jump out at every turn. Story will engage and will hold you playing, always curious about what happens next.

Plane glass surface:

Plane glass surface looks atypical but is simple use. On the left hand side is action cathode - raytube which paints current scene and characters your side get - togetherness. On the right hand side is text tale which initially says backcloth story and later describes seats visited and action characters withdraw from. At the bottom screens is row five boxings which contain variety of action and orders for interaction with play. It's merry making to followed corresponding storied pop up when you pick action. You can choose order or action also with your mouse or keyboard.


You can control until five signs but principal characteristic you play is marketer apprentice named tag. A fustrating element games is his linear structure. If you did you make several bad election you achieve extinct end in action. Play no parasitic no option but renew former spared play, how do you reparate same action which lead nowhere. I suppose, though, that with interactive fiction only there are so many election that can be volunteered. Atypical gamplay element, for romance, is as though there are a few combat scenes, though simple .At the beginning every confrontation, you can choose whether go to the ' Combat' or whether ' Retreat' or ' argue with enemy.


I'm be surprised how summary story was, although nothing much original, usual sword and thing wizardry. Riddle are not as though easy, but if you take patience to trace up your steps and try by any option, will you have adventure to keep in mind. To evaluative purposes, I'd like chosen 3.5, but this is not possible for evaluation critique, so that is 3.

There be no setting requisite.You only click ' on beginning.bat' and you be away. To some useful counsel, go here:


Year of publication: 1988

Made by: Infocom


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